contains all dotfiles.

My ansible file could be used to look for sources & dependencies.

Desktop applications

Name Purpose & context
Arandr Configuring multi-monitor setup
Console A good enough terminal. Supporting dark/light mode is critical
Copyq Clipboard
Doom Emacs Purely as entry point to Org mode/Magit
Dropbox Sync between mobile and laptop is a must
Element Matrix chat client
Elly Github pull request tracker
Firefox I hear Chrome is mucking about with adblockers
Flameshot Screenshots with very convenient UI for quick editing
Intellij IDEA Editor for java and grails (don't ask)
Libreoffice Quick & dirty editing of truth tables/decision tables and CSV files
Magit The best git client. See lazygit
Obsidian Purely as entry point to Excalidraw
Org mode Diary. TODOs.
Peek Screen recorder
Rofi Launcher. Easy to customize. Like fzf but without a terminal in the foreground
Screenkey Displays the pressed keys on screen. Useful but not perfect with multiple monitors
VS code Code editor
i3 Window manager
i3blocks Task bar for i3

Languages & libraries

Name Purpose & context
Go Programming in general
OpenAPI REST APIs. Spec first and generate clients/server works really well


Name Purpose & context
bat Nicer cat
cloc Counts LoC in codebases
datedate Transforms dates & timestamps
duc Another disk usage tool. Sunburst chart
dunst Notifications
entr inotify-like watcher. Execute command when files change
fd Less verbose find
fzf Fuzzy finder
gdu A fast disk usage analyser
gh Github via CLI. Usable for quickly entering TODOs with some attributes and for listing open issues and displaying with i3blocks
git-filter-repo Can extract directory of git repo to its own repo
gron Turns JSON into grep:able lines of text and back again
htop Good enough system monitor
image-sorter TUI for quickly moving image files into proper directories
lazygit Very similar to Magit. Slightly less intuitive but working in the terminal without all of Emacs is more comfy.
litecli Better CLI for sqlite. See mycli
mycli Better CLI for mysql. See litecli
pandoc Document converter
pavucontrol Choosing device for sound output
ripdrag “ripdrag filename” creates a small window with “filename” that you can use for drop-friendly interfaces
ripgrep More ergonomic search than grep
serve Serve directory via HTTP
shellcheck Lints bash scripts
watchexec inotify-like watcher. Execute command when files change. Slightly more complete than entr - might overtake its position
wmctrl API capabilities for
xcape Rebind keys. For example: pressing caps=esc & holding caps=ctrl
z Interface to MRU directories when cd:ing around
zenity Interactive bash scripts. Very useful with i3blocks

Web applications & third party services

Name Purpose & context
Asciinema Record terminal interactions Diagrams
Excalidraw Diagrams
FlameGraph Hierarchical profile viewer
Github actions CI/CD
Mermaid Diagrams
Notion Wiki
Numbr Adds up numbers in plaintext. Good for splitting costs

Browser extensions

Name Purpose & context
consent-o-matchi Anti cookie-popups
dark reader Automatic dark mode
grasp Bookmarks current page into an org file
languagetool Effortless spell- & grammar checking everywhere
uBlock origin Blocks ads
vimium Vim bindings when browsing


Name Purpose & context
Keychron K8 Pro Very comfortable keyboard
Logitech G MX518 So happy when this got revived

On the radar

Untried but interesting.

Name Purpose & context
ansisvg Capture terminal output into svg for presentations
broot Interactive tree/ls/cd
dive Docker image layer introspection
fq jq for binary files
git-absorb Aids fixups
hwatch watch alternative that records the history and keeps diffs
hyperfine Benchmarks
ijq Interactive version of jq
jujutsu VCS on top of git
kuzudb Embeddable graph database. Maybe valid alternative to sqlite
lazydocker TUI for docker. See lazygit
pastel CLI for color palettes
plantuml Diagrams
st Statistics on CLI
ugrep Interactive grep
up Ultimate plumber. Interactive pipelines Hosted/one-off webhooks
yazi File manager TUI
zizmor Audits Github actions
zsys fzf TUI for systemctl