I have all my code stored in ~/Sites and every sub folder represents a project. Each folder is also a git repository. This means there’s history attached to it, which could be much more easily navigated than through the finder or a terminal. Some of the projects are mirrored on github but it’s too messy to keep them all there, although – that kind of overview is nice to have.
My solution to getting an overview was to setup gitweb locally, which makes for a very fast solution. This is how you do it on your OS X-machine:
Find where git’s installed at. I use homebrew, which means git (by default) resides in /usr/local/Cellar/git.
Grab the gitweb cgi, copy it to where your local Apache server can find it:
Modify gitweb.cgi to let it find the static files, to find the git projects and to not choke on really large directories that I’m sure does not contain anything git’ anyway:
Now, visit & bookmark http://localhost/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi in your browser and you should be good to go.