Using Github issues for TODOs
I've got an executable script named todo
in my $PATH
, and it looks like this:
# REPO formatted as user/repo
test -z "$GH_TODO_REPO" && echo missing GH_TODO_REPO && exit 1
# PROJECT formatted in plaintext
# (I would skip the spaces, I think I had issues with that even when quoting)
test -z "$GH_TODO_PROJECT" && echo missing GH_TODO_PROJECT && exit 1
if [ -t 0 ]; then
# should be within a terminal
# requires access rights: gh auth refresh -s project
gh issue create --repo "$GH_TODO_REPO" \
--project "$GH_TODO_PROJECT" \
--assignee @me \
--milestone 2025:1 \
exit $res
echo Launch through terminal
exit 1
Complementing that script, I have a clickable "assigned to me" todo-counter always visible in the status bar in my window manager, courtesy of i3blocks:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# --owner responds to the first part of the path in Github URLs,
# in this case, it's my employer
count=$(gh search issues --assignee @me --owner matchiapp --state open --json url --jq 'length')
# glyph from fontawesome, "bug" f188
# long
echo " $count"
# short
echo " $count"
# color
echo "#00ff00"
__open() {
# open the URL and tell i3 to focus the workspace,
# and use wmctrl to focus the correct window
xdg-open $url &>/dev/null && i3-msg workspace number 2 &>/dev/null && wmctrl -a firefox &>/dev/null
if [[ "$BLOCK_BUTTON" -eq 1 ]]; then
# left click
# "my" board
elif [[ "$BLOCK_BUTTON" -eq 3 ]]; then
# right click
# all of my issues
The above then renders like this: