This is how I would let a user login again, after she lost her password:

  • Provide a clear "Lost your password?" link at the login page and possibly in the "help section"
  • Let your user provide one thing she surely remembers - her email
  • Send a confirmation mail to the user with a text like

    Hi, this is you;. Someone requested a password reset on your site. If that was not you, you can safely ignore this email and nothing will happen.

    If it is you, who requested your password to be reset, click this link to reset it.

The "3ttnjwnt32t" string is only mentioned in the letter, for a single user. You store it temporarily and use it to get the user.

Password resets:

  • request reset
  • allow anybody to send a reset-request-email
  • arrive at hidden page that lasts 1 hour
  • ask for a new password and the email

This also implies that an admin never should be able to change a password, only send out an email to the user who in turn changes it herself.