Update 2024-12-22:

I am using regular less now, with these lines in my zshrc:

export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\e[1;32m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\e[1;32m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\e[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\e[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\e[01;33m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\e[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\e[1;4;31m'
# the above worked in Ubuntu 22.04 but something broke "in" 24.04 and this workaround does it for me
# also see https://github.com/jedsoft/most/issues/18
export GROFF_NO_SGR=1

Old post:

Neovim has builtin support for colorizing man pages, making them easier to read. It also lets you follow links to other man pages, by pressing K while hovering any term that has a man page.

To set up Neovim as the default reader for when you invoke man apropos etc., place the following code in your ~/.bashrc or such:

export MANPAGER="nvim -c 'set ft=man' -"

There are some more pointers in the short and readable section of the Neovim manual on viewing man pages.