- elly — keeps track of what actions to take on open github pull requests (learnings, source)
- gitlab-mr-bot — keeps track of what actions to take on open gitlab merge requests (source)
- indentify — prettifies strings like compact toString()-ified java objects and json (source)
- serve — start http server for files in a directory, show QR code for ease of mobile testing (source)
- track hours — actively polling for certain processes to mark that minute as having worked (source)
- pokeshadow — guess pokemon based on silhouette (pokeshadow on, blog post, source)
- picture-this — generates image placeholders (blog post, source)
- i-got-issues — display your submitted issues in your own projects, a.k.a. todos (blog post, source)
- Bookmarklet for translating AWS account numbers to actual accounts
- Using Github issues for TODOs
- My slideshow presentation checklist
- Getting Cursor to start on Ubuntu 24.04
- VS Code snippets for internal blog links
- Upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04
- Uses this - my preferred tools
- A few system design & architecture experiences, low-level debugging stories and post-mortems
- Replacing Jekyll with Go
- image-sorter patches
- Pokeshadow - a Pokémon guessing game
- Toggling light/dark color scheme for i3 on Ubuntu
- A shell's must-have features
- Making Jenkins work with python's virtualenv
- From Youtube to mp3
- What I want from an interface
- getopt in bash
- Screen
- Building packages on Solaris
- Gitweb on OSX
- Yanking in vim
- git
- From Wordpress on Apache to mynt on nginx
- Properly display MySQL result in console
- site2pdf - save all pages from a domain as a single PDF
- Handling segmentation faults with gdb
- Vimium enables keyboard only navigation for Chrome
- Setting up VirtualBox
- Make your terminal start faster
- Easy remote desktop from OS X to Windows with CoRD
- Remap caps-lock to esc in OS X Lion
- Make email lists unsubscribable with one click
- Installing vim with python and ruby support through homebrew
- Wrapping lines in git diff
- OSXFUSE instead of MacFuse on Lion
- i-got-issues: manage project todos on github
- Retaliation - feedback at its finest
- bookshelf, aka link roulette
- Handling forgotten passwords
- Mini project: placeholder image generator in PHP
- Always use -u with first git push
- Checklist for removing a git submodule
- Better touch tool fixes Lion's incompetence
- say-what.rb - trying out Ruby
- vim "bug" while saving git commit message
- Java is so much more interesting now
- Delete a remote branch in git
- Programming books on Kindle
- Less makes wonders for front end development
- Add sftp-capabilities to cURL
- PHP Sadness - showcase of PHP's shortcomings
- Lose the mouse and get faster - meet Alfred
- search with ack - "better than grep"
- sed quickie, search and replace in files
- vsftpd - enabling FTP access on your Ubuntu server
- Fastest way to auto-login via ssh to your remote server
- Arrange icons in a folder, and keep them in a grid
- Git reminder: set permissions of hooks to executable
- Automatically insert acronyms with Hz_Filter_Acronym
- SplFileInfo::getExtension()
- Mac's got a native FTP client - very easy to use
- A grep-quickie for the road (or svn, really)
- + vim + posterous = true
- Why I left tumblr for posterous
- Visor is a system-wide terminal accessible via a hot-key
- Wirify instantly shows a webpage's wireframe
- tail -n 0 -f /var/log/...
- Leaving out (pdf)
- Redmine and lighttpd got into a brawl, came out as friends
- Installing Redmine on Ubuntu and lighttpd
- New dev area with gitweb
- Trying out closure
- Roadmap of PHP development - follow it
- Using git init --bare for a slim repository look
- Kick Ass: Kill some time
- which - saves the day
- Nice ORDER BY-syntax: FIELD()
- Fineprint - focus your user's attention with this jQuery plugin
- Updating a forked project on Github
- Mac's got a builtin screen recorder
- Keeping track of project files in a large codebase
- Fake
- - Top 20 Programming Lessons I've Learned in 20 Years
- Find recently modified files
- Make your Mac sing songs
- How to Add Search Shortcuts to Google Chrome.
- Organizing multiple method arguments without using an arbitrary array
- Firesheep 101
- Linux: Change Directory or CD to the Previous Directory / Last Path
- VPN from Mac
- How to design form buttons in one breath
- Timing attacks
- Play/Pause Spotify instead of opening iTunes
- Scrolling in less
- mkdir -p
- Abort wget with pkill -9 wget
- hangman in Python
- Googles style guides
- Updates in background processes are sweet
- Nielsen: Alphabetical Sorting Must (Mostly) Die
- Global code sucks - php has 5468 global functions
- Ruby on Rails: Getting Started & Action Dispatch
- Netbeans autocompletion for javascript is pretty amazing
- Retrieve removed file from SVN
- Put a tail on that error log
- Google Geo Developers Blog: MarkerClusterer: A Solution to the Too Many Markers Problem
- Word- and linecount in unix
- Good UI gets better through instruction video
- How to display correct amount of free memory in Linux
- Getting started with Hudson
- curl -O is wget on mac
- Scope it up
- who displays currently active users
- Video on the Web - Dive Into HTML5
- `case` in bash
- Reset/set IP address
- gconf-editor lets Ubuntu users edit keys
- Check the PATH of your Mac with echo $PATH - OS X Daily
- MIT OpenCourseWare | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 6.189 A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python, January IAP 2008 | Lecture Notes
- Plain English explanation of Big O - Stack Overflow
- Which Linux version am I using?
- Global code is bad code - PHP's sessions included
- Client - or co-worker?
- Open source project owners: control yourselves!
- Simple Desktops
- Import legacy PHP app into ZF with ease
- How to revert a "git rm -r ."?
- University website
- Colloquy: IRC, SILC & ICB Client
- Center vertically with `line-height`
- Code Sign Error - switch to simulator
- How to Report Bugs Effectively
- MySQL's `SUBSTRING()`'s index starts at 1
- Useless validation when filing for address change in Sweden
- Bug when using `Zf create config`, wrong syntax for include path
- Video showing NetBeans 6.9 tackling ZF
- How do I edit an incorrect commit message in git - Stack Overflow
- Bookmarklets really should open in a new window
- Move vi/vim editor temporary swap and backup files to another directory |
- Set enviroment variables in Apache
- Designing with progressive enhancement
- Screen capture from command line
- Requesting new magic method: `__toBoolean()`
- Binding shortcut to Spotlight
- Accessing Windows server remotely with Mac
- Something different - administrate Windows 7 through "God mode"
- Hint user about their password with a graphed hash
- Readability - JS bookmarklet
- Javascript regex 101: String.test()
- Command + tab = love
- Read headers with curl
- Open file: cmd + down; navigate upwards: cmd + up
- iTunes Genius - not so much
- Adding `alias`-commands on the fly
- Sshfs, finally
- Program for yourself
- Font face's comeback
- Print screen on Mac
- Supply and demand
- Backup remotely
- DHCP on new network
- Mac's apps, what are they?
- scp - where have you been?
- Installing Vim = discovering Mac's internals
- Debugging some php..
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